How do I set up a conference with my child's teacher?

To set up a parent/teacher conference, please click here. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays at 8:35 AM and can be done in-person OR virtually this year.

How do I get Skyward access?

To receive Skyward access, please click here to fill out the Family Access form which is located in the Parents/Skyward section of TWMS website. Please bring the completed form along with your photo ID, as we are only able to provide access to parents/guardians with custody. We will then send you your Skyward username and password.

I already received Skyward access but am having trouble logging in.

If you are unable to log in to Skyward, it might be necessary to reset your password. Please come by the front office as soon as you are able to and we will reset the password for you. Please remember to bring photo ID. You can also contact the Help Desk.

What do I do if my child is absent?

If your child is absent, please bring in a written excuse or doctor's note as soon as possible or email it to [email protected]. Once a student accumulates 10 unexcused absences, a truancy meeting will be set up with the school social worker, so please be sure to keep track of your students' absences and deliver excuses in a timely manner. Please make sure that your child requests any make-up work they missed from their teachers.

My child will be out for several days. How can I pick up their make up work?

Planned extended absences must receive principal approval. Please contact Mr. Shuler at least 2 weeks prior to the planned absence.

Where does my child catch the bus?

To find your child's bus stop, please visit the Seminole County Public Schools Bus Stop Search page or call (407) 320-7521 to contact the Routing Department. For transportation issues, please contact Mary Kate McDonald at 407-746-8511.

Our family is moving and my child will be attending a different school.

If your child will no longer be at Tuskawilla Middle School, please make sure to come by the front office and withdraw them as well as turn in any books your child may have received from the school. You will then receive all the necessary paperwork to enroll your student at their next school.

My child is struggling in class. What can I do?

If your child is struggling, please contact the teacher as soon as possible to discuss the situation. You can contact the teacher using Skyward or find their contact information under Staff section of our website. You may also want to schedule a parent/teacher conference by clicking here

How do I fill out a free/reduced lunch application?

You may find the Free/Reduced Lunch Application on the SCPS Dining Services website. Once you fill out the application, you will receive a 4-digit number for your student to provide in the cafeteria when getting lunch.

My child forgot his/her lunch number.

If your student does not remember his/her lunch number, the cafeteria cashier can look it up for him/her once the student provides his/her name.

Our family is struggling financially and we need help. Where can we go?

The Seminole County Public Schools Families In Need (FIN) department can help struggling families in many different areas. Please contact the FIN department by calling (407) 320-0255 or visiting the FIN website.

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